Friday, 4 May 2012

4th May 2012


This lesson, I have edited a picture of the San Monica beach which is a famous landmark of California. I have used the channel mixer in order to make it pinker and therefore make it look as if the sunset is brighter. I found this tool easy to use as it was simple to find and all you had to do was slide along the bars in order to change the colours. I also used the clone stamp tool and the heal tool in order to edit out the people so that it was a clear beach with no inhabitants. Finally, I edited out a few of the clouds with the patch tool in order to make the sky look clearer and as if the clouds were just in the distance and not hanging over the ferris wheel. I found this lesson quite easy and did not encounter any problems throughout the editing process.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what you've done to thus image by brightening up the background as it makes it stand out more and look more like a sunset which is appropriate for the image as its a beach.
