Friday, 18 May 2012

In this lesson, I created my final montage using a few of the images I had edited. I used a special effect frame in order to create the white faded border around the four images in order to make them stand out from the background.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

9th May 2012

 It took me quite a while to edit this image because I experienced some technical difficulties. The computer would not allow me to save the image after I had edited it and then would not allow me to access any of my files so I had to log off and on again. That did not work and so I had to restart the computer which also did not work. I then decided I had better try a different computer and then I was able to edit and save the image. I used the dodge tool in order to make the blue of the sign richer and then the history paint tool in order to tidy up the edges of the sign as I had gone over it a bit too much. This took me only 20 or so minutes. 

Friday, 4 May 2012

4th May 2012


This lesson, I have edited a picture of the San Monica beach which is a famous landmark of California. I have used the channel mixer in order to make it pinker and therefore make it look as if the sunset is brighter. I found this tool easy to use as it was simple to find and all you had to do was slide along the bars in order to change the colours. I also used the clone stamp tool and the heal tool in order to edit out the people so that it was a clear beach with no inhabitants. Finally, I edited out a few of the clouds with the patch tool in order to make the sky look clearer and as if the clouds were just in the distance and not hanging over the ferris wheel. I found this lesson quite easy and did not encounter any problems throughout the editing process.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

2nd May 2012

Orignal image

 For this edit, I decided I would get rid of the traditional Hollywood letters and replace them with the California sign so that it looked original and interesting. I used the clone stamp tool in order to get rid of the Hollywood letters so that it still had the correct hill look. I then removed the background of the California sign and dragged it on top of this image. I used photoshop for this as I it's easier to make edits like this when using photoshop rather than fireworks. I found this task quite easy as the clone stamp is quite an easy tool to use and is simple. I had a bit of trouble dragging the image until I realised the layer was locked so after it was unlocked, I was able to deposit it on top successfully.

Edited image

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

25th April 2012


During this lessson, I edited the image of the word 'california' that has been typed in a hollywood style. I edited out the background in order to allow it to be placed over images without a white background getting in the way. I also changed the colour from black to white as the original hollywood sign is in white and so, to stick with the theme, I changed the colour. To make the letters stand out, I used the line tool in order to allow the individual letters to stand out seperately and yet together at the same time. I then put the before and after images into my AO2 document and descibed how they had been edited and how I can justify the reasons for editing.

Friday, 20 April 2012

20th April 2012

I believe that airbrushing should not be used in magazines that are sold to the public. This is because it gives young kids and teenagers an unrealistic view on what the average person looks like, whether it be weight, wrinkles or the smoothness of their legs. On average, most teenagers will feel unhappy with their weight and looks because of the images they see on the internet or in magazines and this is due to the fact that they do not look like the images they are so often surrounded by. This causes them to feel unhappy about themselves and therefore want to change their body. The consequences of this are annorexia, bullemia and in certain cases, suicide and over doses. However, in some cases, I believe that the editing that is done to certain images can be helpful. In a recent article of 'Elle' magazine, a skinny woman had her bones airbrushed out and her shoulders fattened so that they she looked as if she had a more healthy weight. This should encourage children that a healthy weight is better.
I think that there should be a symbol used, such as the recyling symbol, that shows the image has been altered in some way. Either that, or editing should not take place at all unless it is to be encouraging healthiness.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

18th April 2012

Today we sourced the assets that we are going to use in the rest of the unit. I found this task quite easy as I had been given a website that contained royalty free images and so did not have to worry about collecting information based on whether or not it was copyright and if I had to ask permission to use the image or buy it. There were a few images that I used google to find, and so I had to check the website in order to find if it was copyright but that didn't take long and I made sure I complied with the law in this respect.